Ray Dalio在2008年美国金融危机之后,在Youtube上的分享的一个30分钟的视频,介绍生产效果、短期债务周期、长期债务周期的起源。这个视频对于没有任何经济学基础的人都是便于理解的。比尔盖茨对这个视频的推荐语是这样的:"This knowledge would help everyone as investors and citizens. Watching it for..
Showcases rare footage of animal behaviors across 77 species in 24 countries, highlighting their intelligence and adaptability through pivotal life moments like birth, raising families, and finding..
Good Deed拿下讲述奥黛丽·赫本的纪录片[奥黛丽](Audrey,暂译)北美发行权。该片由海伦娜·科恩([臻于至善])执导,Salon Pictures制作。影片讲述奥黛丽隐藏在完美外表下的伤心故事,同时也将记录她如何追随自己的内心离开了好莱坞,在人道主义的工作上寻找到真正的激情以及遇到她将陪伴度过余生的男人。影片将包括大量视听的材料及访谈。[奥黛丽]将于2020年登陆北美院线。
《食品公司2》简介: Turbo chickens, plant-based steaks and a pandemic. A lot has happened since the first 'Food Inc.' film, and it's time for a fresh in-depth look at the food industry and at possible solutions. Organic food is taking up more and more space on supermarket shelves and local vegetable markets are popping up in more and more neighbourhoods. But there are also more and more people on the planet, and 15 years after the Oscar-nominated mega hit ‘Food Inc.’, it turns out that the modern food industry still needs a thorough overhaul. This is exactly what we get here, and you don’t need to have seen the first film to understand just what an incredible impact agriculture and the food industry has not only on what we eat, but on the world around us. Directing duo Melissa Robledo and Robert Kenner uncover everything from monopolisation, lobbying and the logic of capitalism to what exactly happens in your brain when you eat a McDonald’s burger. But they also look at possible solutions and what the kitchen of the future might look like.